Other Projects

Other Projects

by Daniel Pratt

I have several things I am working on, other than just iOS development, and occasionally I may post an update on one of them here.  These may have to do with my current day job as marketing director / webmaster for The Bali Retirement Villages, my personal writing projects, or myriad other things  

Anyone who wants to retire in Bali can find out more by going to https://thebalivillages.com.  I also maintain a blog here on all things Bali.  A couple of the more interesting things that I put up on here is a fairly detailed history of Bali, and an article about the Balinese system of Subak Irrigation.

I am also working on a self-help book of sorts to help people live happier, more positive lives through developing compassionate habits, and learning to shed the negativity most of us cling onto in our lives.

Hopefully updates on non-developer related things will help keep this blog a bit more interesting, and not quite so heavy.  It also may help keep me writing it, too!


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